Medical Amnesty & Survivor Protections

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The Senate Committee on Student Discipline and the Office for Student Conflict Resolution encourage all members of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign community to act in a safe, low-risk, responsible manner at all times. When someone is in danger, students are expected to take immediate action (by calling 9-1-1, for example) to provide or secure assistance. The university and surrounding community public safety officials support students who take steps to ensure others’ safety by reducing the fear of legal or disciplinary consequences for those in need of assistance and for themselves.


The following guidelines are intended to help students take appropriate action in high-risk situations:

Sexual Misconduct Complainant

Any student who reports, in good faith, an alleged violation of the university's Sexual Misconduct Policy will not be subject to disciplinary action for a student conduct violation, such as illegal substance possession or use, that is revealed in the course such a report, unless the Office for Student Conflict Resolution determines that the violation was egregious, including without limitation an action that places the health or safety of any other person at risk.

Victim of Violent Crime

When a student has been the victim of a violent crime while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, the university will not pursue disciplinary action against the student for their personal substance use in this incident. In addition, law enforcement agencies in Champaign County have a long-established practice of not pursuing criminal charges for the improper use of substances against a victim who is reporting an assault. A student victim who is under the influence at the time of an assault is entitled to university and community assistance and encouraged to seek help.

Person in Need of Medical Attention

When a student requires emergency evaluation and/or treatment at a medical facility and receives immediate assistance, the university will not pursue disciplinary action against that student for their personal substance use in this incident, absent exceptional circumstances.* The student may be required to complete an alcohol assessment and/or education program at a later time, but this is not considered a disciplinary response. Please note that the student may still be responsible for financial costs associated with the immediate medical response and subsequent treatment or counseling.


When a student calls on behalf of an impaired individual, remains with that individual until assistance arrives, and fully cooperates with emergency responders, the university will not pursue disciplinary action against the caller for their personal substance use in this incident. Note: a caller's cooperation may be a mitigating factor in sanctioning the caller's other potential violations of the Student Code in the present incident.


Members of an organization hosting an event are expected to promptly call for assistance if they become aware of an emergency. Failure to call will be considered an "aggravating circumstance" in any subsequent disciplinary action against the organization.

These guidelines apply specifically to disciplinary action that might be taken by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign student discipline system. However, absent exceptional circumstances, students who call for emergency medical assistance for themselves or for others should find that local law enforcement agencies will be focused on providing aid and assistance rather than taking enforcement action.

* The university reserves the right to review each incident on a case by case basis. Other infractions of university policy (i.e. destruction of property, physical violence, non-compliance with emergency personnel) may still be adjudicated. And these guidelines will not protect those who repeatedly or flagrantly violate the Student Code, nor will they provide blanket immunity for all possible violations of the Student Code, present and future.
